About Auto Quote Tracker

Car insurance is expensive, but increasing premiums shouldn’t be a surprise at renewal.

We’ve all had that experience before—your policy is up for renewal in a few weeks, you get the notice in the mail or over email telling you that it’s time to re-up and your annual premium is higher.

Insurance carriers regularly raise those rates on a state-by-state basis to help them cover their expenses and earn a profit, but why should your bloated bill be a surprise right before renewal?

At Auto Quote Tracker, our mission is to keep you up-to-date on rate changes that could impact you, providing options to shop around and save money when your current policy is just getting too expensive.

We’re not omnipotent. We don’t know everything and we can’t guarantee that there are better rates out there for you with your current coverages. However, through educational articles on our site, updates on shifting rates, opportunities to shop for insurance and some extra premium offers to save you a few bucks, hopefully we can help you out.

In nearly all states it’s required to drive a car with mandatory minimum coverages to ensure that you and other drivers are protected in case the worst happens. Setting up coverage as a law in those states is done to protect you in a few ways, including:

  • Protecting the public from financial hardship of covering uninsured losses
  • Encouraging safe driving, because you don’t want to be stuck with the bill of higher premiums
  • Making the roads a protected fair space rather than uneven due to different coverages
  • Protecting you from the unexpected

We’re not an insurance carrier, we don’t sell insurance, and we don’t even promise that you’ll find the coverage you need through our site. But we can arm you with information, letting you know when your rates are going up, providing access to insurance carriers with whom you can quote and save, and sharing information about information to help you get smarter.

Don’t get caught flat-footed at your auto insurance renewal with higher-than-expected premiums. Follow rate changes with Auto Quote Tracker and be prepared to fight those higher bills and shop around.

Hi, Impact!